Island Wide Delivery


Dinapala Electronics

Welcome to Dinapala Group

Dinapala Group of Companies is the Number 1 most ethical consumer durables provider in Srilanka specializing in the field of electronics, electrical items and machinery . Dinapala Group has been a trusted household name and a leading importer, dealer, distributor and wholesaler of home appliances, audio visual equipment and power tools…. for nearly five decades. The company also provides Ethical consumer financing and Ethical Hire Purchasing facilities for customers .

The Group has started its journey as a watch repair store in 1958. And formally incorporated in 1965 in the name of K.A. Dinapala & Co under the present group chairman K.A. Dinapala. Since then 29 branches have been opened throughout the country to cater the diversify group.

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jQuery(function($) { function fixDeliveryCityLabel() { let label = $('label[for="billing_state"]'); if (label.length) { label.text('Delivery City *'); // Force label change } } // Run on page load fixDeliveryCityLabel(); // Run after WooCommerce updates checkout fields via AJAX $(document.body).on('updated_checkout', function() { fixDeliveryCityLabel(); }); });